
I love Italy : Taylor Richards (USA)

My name is Taylor Richards, I am 19 and I am going to take you through my summer journey through Italy. I am about to begin my sophomore year at Texas State University, but I am from Houston, Texas. I am going to college to become an International Social Worker, so traveling is truly my…

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European cultural and knowledge transfer through travelling craftsmen Travelling craftsmen from all over Europe get together and work alongside Romanian artisans in promoting traditional crafts. The project is made up of three main components: open workshops, presentation evenings and a photography exhibition. At the workshops journeymen of different trades can be admired performing their crafts….

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Terje Abrams (PR manager Kempinski Ajman) : ” I believe that either you are a 100% people person or you are not”

Ms Terje Abrams is PR manager at 5-star luxury Kempinski Hotel in Ajman. Public relations is one of the most diverse and ambiguous fields out there. In fact, if you ask any given individual what it is, chances are you’ll get a different response 75% of the time. One thing is for sure, public relations…

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Creative minds : Alice Averone, Yacht Designer

What originally made you want to become a designer? I’ve always loved the idea of “make things better” and I used to draw the way they could be more enjoyable, practical or simply pleasant. I guess I started like this since I was 8 years old. For new projects, where do you draw ideas from?…

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Life of a Chief yacht stewardess : Dream job or nautical nightmare?

Travelling the globe on a luxurious yacht…We had a talk with Mrs Jovana Spaic, chief yacht stewardess…About sailing, working, hard working …. Jovana Spaic, Serbian Chief yacht stewardess Your job has a glamorous image. Is working on a luxury vessel more challenging than many might imagine? Yacht, millions, glamour,  luxury, journey. .are only few synonyms…

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Exclusive : Valentino Bontempi, Italian master of cuisine in Moscow

Pinzeria by Bontempi – is a new project in Moscow (Russia) of the famous Italian chef Valentino Bontempi. Are You a frequent traveller ? Going to Moscow ? Eat this ! The concept of this restaurant is unique. The chef has decided to make a restaurant with mix of good food, Italian atmosphere and reasonable prices. In…

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Hotel Concortel, Paris : A stylish retreat in the heart of The City of Lights

In the middle of Paris we found this very charming hotel ‘Concortel’, managed  by Mr Eric and his staff. If You are going to Paris, please take a look at this accomodation… Mr Eric, You have 46 rooms, right ? Yes, we have 36 rooms (size between 12-25m2) and 10 suites (size ca. 30m2)  …

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