Hotel ‘Le Parisien’ , Ostend (Belgium)

Hotel Le Parisien offers comfortable accommodation with free WiFi, only 200 metres from the beach in Ostend.
We had an interview with David, manager of this authentic hotel..

David, this is a new hotel ?
Well, the hotel was renovated in 2008 and 2009 and was fully operational in 2010.

Why did you choose this particular location on the Groentenmarkt?
When you stay at a hotel, location, location, location, .. in the middle of Ostends old city center and close to all shops, restaurants, beach and port,  … This is where hotel guests want to be when staying in a hotel.

Why is Ostend since decades a magnet for tourists ?
Oostende (Flemish name of Ostend) is a pearl in the middle of the Belgian coast and is a popular beach destination for locals. But there’s plenty to do besides work on your tan.

‘Le Parisien’ the name of a hotel in Ostend …why ?
The owner of the building was originally from Paris, he build it with the charm of the Belle Epoque period and Paris in 1900… The owner was known in town as ‘Le Parisien’, that’s why we re-named the hotel ‘Le Parisien’.

How many rooms you offer ?
The hotel offers 24 rooms all en-suite rooms. Each room includes a flat-screen TV, box-spring bedding and all bathrooms have a bath or relaxing rain shower.


Do You provide transport services for your guests?
We cooperate with several companies providing shuttle service to airport, train station or other cities.

Tell us something more about the bistro/restaurant ?
We offer a Belgian/French cuisine, serving quality for reasonable prices.
Our bistro offers breakfast, lunch, dinner… But also to enjoy a cup of coffee You’re most welcome..And I would recommend ‘Vol au Vent” and “Stoofvlees” to our guests who want to taste typical Belgian food.

Which places do you recommend your guests to visit in Ostend?
For sure the seaside and its renovated promenade and harbour, the Muzee (Ostend Museum of Contemporary art), our new cultural center called ‘De Grote Post’ and so many more nice places in Oostende to eat and drink.

If You would have to recommend a city or village nearby to visit…where do you want your guests to go ? 
West Vleteren known for ‘Westvleteren’ abbey beer, several times chosen as the Best Beer of the World  and Watou, a very small village near the French border known for their cosy character and yearly art festival attracting thousands of art lovers.

Finally , which is your favorite holiday spot ?
One of my favorite destinations at this moment is the Caribbean and especially Grand Cayman, it’s paradise on earth!!!

Contact details :
Phone : +32 (0)59 27 90 06

Groentemarkt 19
8400 Oostende