10 travel questions : Hillary Mathema (Trader Vic’s, Abu Dhabi)

Hillary Maqazimpilo Mathema was born and raised in Zimbabwe and working in the restaurant business in UAE for the last 10 years.  Living in the UAE exposed Hillary to diverse cultures…This fueled his need to travel…

What’s your favourite place so far?
South Korea, while working in Intercontinental Hotesl in Dubai Festival City I made a life time friend who invited me to South Korea. I had never been to that side of the world. Arriving there was magical, the warm hospitality of the people and the welcome was mind blowing. I spent a month there and ate all the local food. I could enjoy the local beverages and of course the “gangnam lifestyle”
I weaved throug the mountains valleys and hills to end up at the southern most tip to see the Pacific Ocean at its beauty.

What place is top of your bucket list?
Japan, Tokyo, when I was a kid I studied Shotokan Karate and this has always inspired me to visit Japan to embrace more of what is in my mind a perfect culture. Apart from that in restaurant business I find them very innovate and outside the box thinkers, so this would be a perfect opportunity to be exposed to  this mentality.

What travel plans do you have for the future?
Havana Cuba, my fiancé is from Havana and I would love to see where she grew up. I have worked in Asia de Cuba a Chino Latino concept restaurant which was loads of fun driven by Cuban food dance and lifestyle with a twist of Chinese. There I would love to live that dream. Que Rico

Which was your last destination ? What made you want to go there?
Seychelles, it’s paradise on earth so peaceful clean and the culture is so welcoming. I lived there for 5 months after I had visited it. I just fell in love with everything about it.
The food stalls on the street selling the most divine curries, the festivals on the beach and the nightlife is amazing to..Not forgetting the outdoor adventures ( hiking and snorkeling)… I dislocated my shoulder while snorkeling( that’s a story for another time )

What food from your home country do you miss the most when travelling?
Sadza and Mopani worms. Yes worms……they are so delicious all you have to do is boil them, then toss them in oil with some chili and  your meal is ready. The Sadza is a staple food item from Zimbabwe made with ground corn, the finished product is a little like polenta

What’s the best piece of travel advice you’ve received?
When you are in the destination, live a day like a local, you will see sides of the destination no one knows or writes about.

City or countryside?
Both, it really depends on the travel mood and what your heart says to you at the destination searching point.

Do you prefer solo travel or with someone else?
Solo travel is great you  get out of your comfort zone and place your trust in strangers as should the world be…

How has travelling changed you or your outlook on life?
It learned me we are all the same, needing affection and cultural experience, to appreciate each other more.

What travel plans do you have for the future?
Tokyo Japan, Havana Cuba and Iceland definitely places to go without a doubt for their cultural impact world wide with innovation, salsa music and simplicity.